We are looking for men willing to participate in an online study examining male perspectives on their bodies. If you are female, please forward this email to your male friends who may be
interested in participating.
If you are male, please consider completing the survey by clicking the following link:
Your participation is voluntary, but greatly appreciated. You will be asked to provide some demographic information; however, no identifying information will be associated with your answers. Once you have completed the entire survey, you will be redirected to a separate page to enter your name and e-mail address for a chance to WIN one of FOUR $50 Amazon.com gift cards. The information you enter for the drawing will not be linked to your answers.
The questionnaires should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Please read and answer all questions. Thank you in advance for your participation in the study!
Also, we would greatly appreciate if you would forward this email to other men who may be interested in participating.
Any questions may be directed to Samantha Daniel at samd15nau(at)yahoo.com.